Name: Sandy Palmer
Program: 76 – Region 3/6
Job Title: Administrative Assistant

Can you explain your job title more in depth, meaning what does an administrative assistant do?
I do a whole bunch of everything! I handle every day job functions such as personnel files, communicating with program managers, tracking petty cash, writing checks, and dealing with any income items as well. I also handle bill paying and help with a variety of tasks when people request extra support.

What did you do yesterday?
I started our BRS contract renewal process. I worked on my region’s income report as well as region 1 North and South for region 1 and 2. I reached out to our consultants regarding their files and billing processes and corrected a few pieces.

Out of everything you did yesterday, what was normal or typical?
All of it was normal and typical. We renew contracts every two to three years, and because of the rotation I’m always working on at least one.

Do you work with clients and/or customers?
I work with our licenser, and I would consider her our customer. She helps out with lots of phone calls and has been a big help in the background processes.

How do you make sure that we are always showing a deep profound respect towards our customers?
Regarding customers, I only interact with our licensor, and she’s viewed more as a helper – meaning we have a need for her, and she has a need for us. But I’m always polite and helpful in every situation that might occur. I work on building relationships whenever possible.

If I could talk to one of your customers, what would they say are the ways that you respect them and show the SA Values?
In regards to respect, I am quick to do what is asked of me,. When our licensor reaches out, I immediately get back to her and express gratitude. As for values, she sees my integrity in everything I do. Our working relationship is absolutely give and take with respect and working with integrity on both sides.



That’s all for now!


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