Let’s continue our theme from last week and keep talking about learning. Remember back in school how we all had that one subject we doubted would ever be needed in life after school? Personally, for me this was math. While I enjoyed it, I couldn’t imagine a time in my adult life that having the quadratic formula memorized would be that helpful. And to be honest, I haven’t needed it lately.

On the flip side, there could be topics we are just now encountering later in life, that make us wonder, “why didn’t I learn this years ago?” Sometimes the material just isn’t there and we need to go searching for it.

Cultural competency as a broad topic has always been an important piece of the work we do and lately it has been brought to the forefront of our communities’ collective minds. We provide services to a range of folks. One of the most important ways we serve our clients is by supporting them to remain engaged in their culture, whether by cooking a specific type of meal together, or assisting them to attend their religious practice. Another way we can support them is by continuing to learn.

February is Black History Month and there are many opportunities to expand our knowledge and understanding on this topic. The theme for 2021 is The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity. Are you looking for ways to engage in the conversation this month? A quick Google search will bring up events (virtual of course) in your area. This is also a great time to pick up a book by a Black author or watch a documentary on systemic racism.


Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

13th – Documentary available on Netflix

Code Switch – Podcast by NPR

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings – author Maya Angelou

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