Meet, Angie Ramsey. Angie has worked with Service Alternatives for four years. Right now, she’s a Program Manager for Community Employment Services in Island County. She works all over the island, anywhere the work day takes her.

What Angie enjoys most about her work with SA is mentoring customers & clients and seeing the growth that happens.
Angie also enjoys going to trainings within SA to meet people from other areas and learn about their responsibilities and workloads. It’s a nice reminder that we’re all working together to keep SA the well-oiled wheel that it is.

When someone asks, “What do you do for work?” What do you say?
“I explain to them that I work for a company called Service Alternatives and that I help people with disabilities find and sustain jobs. If they want to hear more, I’ll explain the different programs within SA as well as the different areas of work that we do.”

What does a typical work day look like for you? If there is no typical, describe your most recent work day:
“As I transition into Program Manager, my time is split up between working on these new responsibilities; billing, customer schedules, and employee support. It’s a great mix of office work, and still being able to get out into the field and community to support our customers & clients. I feel like the person behind the scenes, but also get out of the office and get my hands dirty.”

What do you like most about your job?
“Seeing the growth in customers & clients – meeting them at the beginning with struggles and then working with them to develop skills to help them function in society and hold down jobs and grow as individuals.”

What three words would you use to describe your role?
“Mentor, Advocate, & Connector.”

What personal quality or skill do you think has helped you most in your job?
“Listening. People open up to me, and this skill has come in handy because you meet many people with many different communication styles. If you listen to them, you can help them. It’s as simple as that.”

Given your experience, what would you say to someone who has just started in the field? (And/or) What about someone who is interested in a job like yours?
“When there is a new hire, there is always a questioning period. If you like what you’re doing, keep working at it, and you will love it. It blossoms more and more each day with learning and working with everyone in the programs, clients, and community.”


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