Is this just another of those small dates pre-printed on your calendar? Or a reminder that pops up on your Google calendar that gets dismissed? Have you wondered what it’s about?

February 17th is about performing acts of kindness and was originally started in Colorado in 1995. The goal for this small non-profit, Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, was to add more good to our world. It may seem simple, but that’s kind of the point. This is a day and idea that is accessible to everyone.

The beauty of this day is the reminder that adding even a small, kind act can have a ripple effect. And of course, if you miss this specific day you can always keep the kindness going and celebrate the next day!

Will you join us next Wednesday as we spread kindness?

Here are a few ways you can add kindness to your days:

  • Mail a letter to a friend – everyone loves snail mail!
  • Write a positive review online for one of your favorite restaurants.
  • Pick up trash at your local park or hiking trail. (Be sure to wear gloves and protective gear!)
  • Express gratitude – write it down in a journal or tell a someone in your life what you appreciate about them.

If you would like some more ideas, resources, or just want to learn more about this day check out


“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop

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